Travelling Trev
Walk 121 - Elidir Fach, Elidir Fawr, Foel-goch, Mynydd Perfedd, Carnedd y Filiast
Distance: 13.1km
Ascent: 1087m
Aug 2020 - Ascent from Dinorwig. Again, up early to avoid the hordes – walking by 7:30am. Excellent forecast today and the drive to Dinorwig through the Ogwen Valley was lovely. I’d done this exact route five years ago in average conditions, so I was excited to repeat it. Chilly ascent through the slate mines which were in the shadow of Elidir Fawr however this meant the air quality was excellent and the visibility stunning. The entire island of Anglesey was in view throughout the walk, as was the Isle of Man many miles distant. The Snowdon massif also looked fabulous. I spent an hour on the summit of Elidir Fawr, a favourite of mine, almost entirely alone. A chap turned up as I was about to leave, and we chatted for half an hour. Turns out, he could see his house in Bangor from the summit and he holidays in Cornwall each year. He knew my neck of the woods, Penwith, really well. He was also a Welsh teacher and instructed me on the pronunciations of the local mountains – he was impressed with some of my efforts and laughed when I was way off! So, after learning how the position of a ‘y’ within a word in Welsh drastically alters its sound, I wished him well and departed. From Elidir Fawr, I crossed to Foel Goch where the views of Llyn Ogwen, the Carneddau, Tryfan and the Glyders were excellent. Spent ages here, in total solitude. Eventually, I crossed to Mynydd Perfedd (a summit that in the hour or so since I’d left the chap on Elidir Fawr I’d forgotten the pronunciation of), and on to Carnedd y Filiast. Descended past the reservoir to pick up the excellent track to re-join the outward route and then down to the car.
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