Travelling Trev
    List of Wainwrights climbed 
Stars (*) denote how many times I have climbed this mountain.
1. Helm Crag * * * * * * *
2. Helvellyn * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3. Blencathra * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4. Scafell Pike * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5. Haystacks * * * * * * * * *
6. Crinkle Crags * * * * * * * * * 
7. Bowfell * * * * * * * * * *
8. Skiddaw Little Man * * * * * * * *
9. Skiddaw * * * * * * * * * *
10. Carl Side * * * * *
11. Cat Bells * * * * * * * * 
12. Pavey Ark * * * * * * * * *
13. Thunacarr Knott * * * * * * * *
14. High Raise * * * * * *
15. Sergeant  Man * * * * * *
16. Harrison Stickle * * * * * * * * * *
17. Pike O Stickle * * * * * * * * *
18. Grasmoor * * * * * *
19. Base Brown * * * 
20. Green Gable * * * * * * * * * *
21. Great Gable * * * * * * * * * * * *
22. Pillar * * * * * * * *
23. Great End * * * * * * * * * * * * *
24. Causey Pike * * * * * 
25. Scar Crags * * * * 
26. Outerside * * * 
27. Barrow * * * 
28. Latrigg * * * *
29. Castle Crag * * * * * * *
30. Dow Crag * * * * * *
31. Old Man of Coniston * * * * * * *
32. Brim Fell * * * * * * *
33. Swirl How * * * * * * * *
34. Grey Friar * * 
35. Great Carrs * * * * * * * *
36. Wetherlam * * * 
37. Scafell * * * * * *
38. Lingmell * * * *
39. Red Pike (Buttermere) * * * * * * * * *
40. High Stile * * * * * * * *
41. High Crag * * * * * * *
42. Grisedale Pike * * * * * * * * *
43. Hopegill Head * * * * * * * * * * *
44. Whiteside (NW) * * * * * 
45. Eel Crag/Crag Hill * * * * * * * * * *
46. Sail * * * * * *
47. Maiden Moor * * * * * 
48. High Spy * * * * * 
49. Dale Head * * * * * * *
50. Hindscarth * * * * * * *
51. Robinson * * * * * *
52. Clough Head * * *
53. Great Dodd * * *
54. Watson’s Dodd * * 
55. Stybarrow Dodd * * * * * 
56. Raise * * * * * * * *
57. Whiteside (E) * * * * * * * * *
58. Kirk Fell * * * * * *
59. High Street * * * * * * * * 
60. The Knott * * * 
61. Rampsgill Head * * 
62. High Raise (E) * * * 
63. Kidsty Pike * * 
64. Barf * * *
65. Lord’s Seat * * * *
66.   Fleetwith Pike * * * *
67.   Walla Crag * * *
68.   Bleaberry Fell * *
69.   Bannerdale Crags * * * * 
70.   Bowscale Fell * * * 
71.   Ullock Pike * * * *
72.   Long Side * * * *
73.   Dodd * * 
74.   High Rigg * 
75.   Nethermost Pike * * * * * * * * * *
76.   Dollywagon Pike * * * * * * * * *
77.   Catstycam * * * * * * *
78.   Birkhouse Moor * * * * * * * *
79.   Low Pike * * * * *
80.   High Pike (S) * * * * *
81.   Dove Crag * * * * * * * * * * *
82.   Hart Crag * * * * * * * * * *
83.   Fairfield * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
84.   Great Rigg * * * * * * * * * * *
85.   Heron Pike * * * * *
86.   Nab Scar * * * * *
87.   Esk Pike * * * * * * * * *
88.   Allen Crags * * * * * * * *
89.   Rossett Pike * * * * * 
90.   Whin Rigg * * 
91.   Illgill Head * * 
92.   Scoat Fell * * * * * *
93.   Steeple * * * * * *
94.   Red Pike (Wasdale) * * * 
95.   Yewbarrow * * * * 
96.   Wether Hill * * 
97.   Loadpot Hill * * 
98.   Rannerdale Knotts * *
99.   Whiteless Pike * *
100. Wandope * * * * *
101. Whinlatter * 
102. Ling Fell * 
103. Wansfell Pike * * 
104. Yoke * * * *
105. Ill Bell * * * * *
106. Froswick * * * *
107. Thornthwaite Crag * * * * * *
108. Mardale Ill Bell * * * * 
109. Harter Fell * * * 
110. Kentmere Pike * * 
111. Shipman Knotts * * 
112. Loft Crag * * * * * * * *
113. Broom Fell * *
114. Pike o' Blisco * * * 
115. Red Screes * * * * *
116. Middle Dodd * 
117. Little Hart Crag * * * * *
118. Arnison Crag * 
119. Birks * * * 
120. St Sunday Crag * * * * 
121. Hartsop above How * * 
122. Knott Rigg * 
123. Ard Crags * 
124. Grey Knotts * * * * * * *
125. Brandreth * * * * * * *
126. Raven Crag * 
127. High Seat * *
128. Glaramara * * * * 
129. Seathwaite Fell * * 
130. Beda Fell * 
131. Hallin Fell * 
132. Harter Fell (Eskdale) * 
133. Green Crag * 
134. Middle Fell * * *
135. Haycock * *
136. Caw Fell * 
137. Seatallan * * 
138. Buckbarrow * * 
139. Crag Fell * * 
140. Slight Side * * *
141. Great Cock Up * 
142. Meal Fell * 
143. Great Sca Fell * 
144. Knott * 
145. Great Calva * * 
146. Eagle Crag * * 
147. Sergeant's Crag * * 
148. Lonscale Fell * * * 
149. Bakestall * * * *
150. Great Crag * 
151. Grange Fell * 
152. Gibson Knott * * * * *
153. Calf Crag * * * *
154. Steel Fell * * *
155. Binsey * 
156. Branstree * 
157. Selside Pike * 
158. Caudale Moor?Stony Cove Pike * * *
159. Hartsop Dodd * * 
160. Sale Fell * 
161. Glenridding Dodd * * * 
162. Sheffield Pike * * * 
163. Hart Side * * * 
164. Steel Knotts * * 
165. Bonscale Pike * * 
166. Arthur's Pike * * 
167. Souther Fell * * 
168. Gowbarrow Fell * 
169. Place Fell * * 
170. Angletarn Pikes * * 
171. Graystones * *
172. Fellbarrow * 
173. Low Pike * 
174. Melbreak * *
175. Hen Comb * 
176. Gavel Fell * 
177. Blake Fell * 
178. Burnbank Fell * 
179. Carrock Fell * 
180. High Pike (N) * *
181. Little Mell Fell * 
182. Brock Crags * 
183. The Nab * 
184. Rest Dodd * 
185. Gray Crag * 
186. High Tove * 
187. Armboth Fell * 
188. Ullscarf * 
189. Sallows * *
190. Sour Howes * *
191. Loughrigg Fell * * *
192. Holme Fell * 
193. Black Crag * 
194. Silver How * * 
195. Blea Rigg * * 
196. Tarn Crag (CF) * *
197. Tarn Crag (FEF) * 
198. Grey Crag * 
199. Longlands Fell * 
200. Brae Fell * 
201. Rosthwaite Fell * 
202. Great Borne * * *
203. Starling Dodd * * *
204. Lank Rigg * *
205. Grike * * 
206. High Hartsop Dodd * 
207. Great Mell Fell * 
208. Mungrisedale Common * 
209. Troutbeck Tongue * 
210. Seat Sandal * * * 
211. Stone Arthur * * * * * *
212. Lingmoor Fell * *
213. Hard Knott * * 
214. Cold Pike * 

Glyn in the Lakes 
1.Scafell Pike * * 
2.Helvellyn * * 
3.Blencathra * 
4.Red Pike (Buttermere) * 
5.High Stile * 
6.High Crag * 
7.Haystacks * 
8.Fleetwith Pike * 
9.Crinkle Crags * 
10.High Street * * 
11.Mardale Ill Bell * * 
12.Harter Fell * * 
13.Pillar * * 
14.Beda Fell * 
15.Hallin Fell * 
16.Dow Crag * 
17.Coniston Old Man * 
18.Brim Fell * 
19.Swirl How * 
20.Great Carrs * 
21.Wetherlam * 
22.Pavey Ark * 
23.Thunacarr Knott * 
24.Harrison Stickle * 
25.Pike o' Stickle * 
26.Loft Crag * 
27.Scafell * 
28.Great End * 
29.Nethermost Pike * 
30.Dollywaggon Pike * 
31.St Sunday Crag * * 
32.Fairfield * * 
33.Hart Crag * * 
34.Hartsop Above How * 
35.Rossett Pike * 
36.Allen Crags * 
37.Esk Pike * 
38.Bowfell * 
39.Grey Knotts * 
40.Brandreth * 
41.Green Gable * 
42.Great Gable * 
43.Kirk Fell * 
44. Scoat Fell * 
45. Steeple * 
46. Red Pike (W) * 
47. Yewbarrow * 
48. Helm Crag * 
49. Gibson Knott * 
50. Whiteside (NW) * 
51. Hopegill Head * 
52. Grisedale Pike * 
53. Eel Crag/Crag Hill * 
54. Wandope * 
55. Grasmoor * 
56. Robinson * 
57. Hindscarth * 
58. Dale Head * 
59. High Spy * 
60. Maiden Moor * 
61. Catbells * 
62. Yoke * *
63. Ill Bell * *
64. Froswick * *
65. Thornthwaite Crag * *
66. Kentmere Pike * 
67. Shipman Knotts * 
68. Ullock Pike * 
69. Long Side * 
70. Skiddaw * 
71. Skiddaw Little Man * 
72. Carl Side * 
73. Dodd * 
74. Low Pike * 
75. High Pike * 
76. Dove Crag * 
77. Great Rigg * 
78. Heron Pike * 
79. Nab Scar * 
80. Birkhouse Moor * 
81. Catstycam * 
82. Whiteside (E) * 
83. Raise * 
84. Stybarrow Dodd * 
85. Hart Side * 
86. Sheffield Pike * 
87. Glenridding Dodd * 
88. Red Screes * 
89. Steel Fell *
90. Calf Crag *
91. High Raise *
Fells climbed (including repeats) = 104

The Lake District 

I am totally in love with the Lake District. It is an incredibly beautiful place which has become a spirit ual home. Helen said to me a number of times as she lay critically ill in hospital that I must return there. I guess I feel close to her there. However, it is also a place where I have forged a new identity, my after Helen identity. This identity is the combination of her and me, a new me that she made. It’s hard to explain. All I know is that the Lake District has helped me cope and given me a reason. I think Helen knew. 
It’s my aim to climb all 214 Wainwrights. There’s no time limit on it. It’ll probably take about 4 years of visits. I won’t do them all first. In fact I’ve already been up Scafell Pike umpteen times, and others like Blencathra, Haystacks and Catbells multiple times. It’s impossible not to do these favourites frequently. It’s fun to combine these with new fells at the planning stage. People are so friendly and trusting in the Lakes and the pubs are great! People stop to chat on the fells and discuss routes and life in general. Like Antarctica, it cleanses your soul and enhances your appreciation of life. 
April 2012  Wainwrights Conquered! 
I started in August 2008 with a tentative venture up Helm Crag and now, 120 walks, 296 summits and a dislocated knee later, I have completed the 214 Wainwrights. A proud and emotional day.  Thank you to all those who have supported and tolerated me during this time especially those who have walked with me: Gemma, Dave, Sandy, Kate, Glyn, Mother, Philipa, Jessica, and of course, Helen, who walked with me every step of every mountain. 
 I wanted to complete them before the wedding and before I turned 40! Done! 
Lakes Diary 
Aug 2008 – Helm Crag, Helvellyn, Blencathra 
Feb 2009 – Scafell Pike, Haystacks, Crinkle Crags, Bowfell 
Mar 2009 – Skiddaw Little Man, Skiddaw, Carl Side, Catbells, Pavey Ark, Thunacarr Knott, High Raise, Sergeant Man, Harrison Stickle, Pike O Stickle 
Apr 2009 – Grasmoor, Base Brown, Green Gable, Great Gable, Pillar 
May 2009 – Great End, Scafell Pike, Causey Pike, Scar Crags, Outerside, Barrow, Latrigg, Castle Crag 
Jun 2009 – Haystacks, Castle Crag 
Jul 2009 – Dow Crag, Old Man of Coniston, Brim Fell, Swirl How, Grey Friar, Great Carrs, Wetherlam, Scafell, Scafell Pike, Lingmell, 
Aug 2009 – Castle Crag, Red Pike, High Stile, High Crag, Latrigg, Grisedale Pike, Hopegill Head, Whiteside, Eel Crag, Sail, Outerside, Barrow, Blencathra, Maiden Moor, High Spy, Dale Head, Hindscarth, Robinson, Clough Head, Great Dodd, Watson’s Dodd, Stybarrow Dodd, Raise, Whiteside, Helvellyn 
Nov 2009 – Scafell Pike, Helvellyn, Skiddaw, Crinkle Crags 
Dec 2009 – Green Gable, Great Gable, Kirk Fell, High Street, The Knott, Rampsgill Head, High Raise, Kidsty Pike, Barf, Lord’s Seat 
Feb 2010 - Haystacks, Fleetwith Pike, Walla Crag, Bleaberry Fell, Maiden Moor, High Spy, Dale Head, Hindscarth 
May  2010 - Latrigg, Castle Crag, Catbells, Bannerdale Crags, Bowscale Fell 
July 2010 - Blencathra, Red Pike, High Stile, High Crag, Haystacks, Scafell Pike, High Street 
Aug 2010 - Ullock Pike, Long Side, Carl Side, Dodd, High Rigg, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywagon Pike, Catstycam, Birkhouse Moor, Low Pike, High Pike, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Heron Pike, Nab Scar, Crinkle Crags, Bowfell, Esk Pike, Allen Crags, Rossett Pike, Whin Rigg, Illgill Head, Pillar, Scoat Fell, Steeple, Red Pike (W), Yewbarrow, Scafell, Scafell Pike, Lingmell 
Oct 2010 - Wether Hill, Loadpot Hill, Rannerdale Knotts, Whiteless Pike, Wandope, Eel Crag, Grasmoor, Whinlatter, Ling Fell, Wansfell Pike 
Nov 2010 - Yoke, Ill Bell, Froswick, Thornthwaite Crag, High Street, Mardale Ill Bell, Harter Fell, Kentmere Pike, Shipman Knotts, Pavey Ark, Thunacarr Knott, Harrison Stickle, Pike o' Stickle, Loft Crag 
Dec 2010 - Blencathra, Barf, Lord's Seat, Broom Fell, Green Gable, Great Gable 
Feb 2011 - Pike o' Blisco, Dow Crag, Red Screes, Middle Dodd, Little Hart Crag 
Mar 2011 - Arnison Crag, Birks, St Sunday Crag, Fairfield, Hart Crag, Hartsop above How, Blencathra, Red Pike (Buttermere), High Stile, High Crag, Haystacks, Fleetwith Pike, Crinkle Crags 
May 2011 - Knott Rigg, Ard Crags, Grey Knotts, Brandreth, Catbells, Maiden Moor, High Spy, Castle Crag, Raven Crag, High Seat, Glaramara, Allen Crags, Scafell Pike, Great End, Seathwaite Fell 
June 2011 - High Street, Mardale Ill Bell, Harter Fell, Pillar, Beda Fell, Hallin Fell 
Aug 2011 - Harter Fell (Eskdale), Green Crag, Middle Fell, Haycock, Caw Fell, Seatallan, Buckbarrow, Crag Fell, Slight  Side, Great Cock Up, Meal Fell, Great Sca Fell, Knott, Great Calva, Eagle Crag, Sergeant's Crag, Lonscale Fell, Skiddaw Little Man, Skiddaw, Bakestall, Great Crag, Grange Fell, Helm Crag, Gibson Knott, Calf Crag, Steel Fell, Binsey 
Oct 2011 - Branstree, Selside Pike, Caudale Moor, Hartsop Dodd, Sale Fell, Glenridding Dodd, Sheffield Pike, Hart Side, Stybarrow Dodd, Steel Knotts, Bonscale Pike, Arthur's Pike 
Dec 2011 - Grisedale Pike, Hopegill Head, Eel Crag, Sail, Blencathra, Souther Fell, Gowbarrow Fell, Place Fell, Angletarn Pikes 
Feb 2012 - Graystones, Fellbarrow, Low Fell, Melbreak, Hen Comb, Gavel Fell, Blake Fell, Burnbank Fell, Carrock Fell, High Pike, Little Mell Fell, Brock Crags, Rest Dodd, The Nab, The Knott, High Street, Thornthwaite Crag, Gray Crag, High Tove, Armboth Fell, Ullscarf, Sallows, Sour Howes 
Mar 2012 - Loughrigg Fell, Holme Fell, Black Crag, Silver How, Blea Rigg, Tarn Crag (CF), Tarn Crag (FEF), Grey Crag 
Apr 2012 - Longlands Fell, Brae Fell, Rosthwaite Fell, Great Borne, Starling Dodd, Lank Rigg, Grike, Dove Crag, Little Hart Crag, High Hartsop Dodd, Great Mell Fell, Bannerdale Crags, Mungrisedale Common, Troutbeck Tongue, Seat Sandal, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Stone Arthur, Lingmoor Fell, Hard Knott, Cold Pike 
June 2012 - Robinson, Hindscarth, Dale Head, Castle Crag 
Aug 2012 - Catbells 
Oct 2012 - Harrison Stickle, Loft Crag, Pike o' Stickle, Rossett Pike, Bowfell, Crinkle Crags, Pike o' Blisco, Birkhouse Moor, Helvellyn, Raise, Skiddaw Little Man, Skiddaw, Bakestall, Great Calva, Blencathra, Clough Head, Great Dodd, Watson's Dodd, Stybarrow Dodd, Whiteside, Raise, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywagon Pike, Fairfield, Seat Sandal 
Nov 2012 - Yewbarrow, Red Pike, Steeple, Scoat Fell, Pillar, Kirk Fell, Great Gable, Green Gable, Brandreth, Grey Knotts, Pavey Ark, High Raise, Sargeant Man, Thunacarr Knott, Harrison Stickle, Loft Crag, Pike o Stickle, Rossett Pike, Esk Pike, Great End, Scafell Pike, Dale Head, Hindscarth, Robinson, Low Pike, High Pike, Dove Crag 
Dec 2012 - Causey Pike 
Feb 2013 - Old Man of Coniston, Brim Fell, Swirl How, Great Carrs, Great End, Scafell Pike, Allen Crags, Glaramara, 
Nab Scar, Heron Pike, Great Rigg, Fairfield, Hart Crag, Dove Crag, High Pike, Low Pike, Grisedale Pike, Hopegill Head, Whiteside (NW) 
Apr 2013 - Ill Bell, Froswick, Thornthwaite Crag, High Street, Mardale Ill Bell, Birks, St Sunday Crag, Fairfield, Hart Crag, Dove Crag, Whiteside (NW), Hopegill Head, Eel Crag/Crag Hill, Wandope, Grasmoor, Loft Crag, Pike o' Stickle, Harrison Stickle, Pavey Ark, Thunacar Knott, High Raise, Sergeant Man 
May 2013- Helvellyn, Catstycam, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, Red Pike, High Stile, High Crag, Haystacks, Pillar, Scoat Fell, Steeple       
July 2013 - Blencathra, Helm Crag, Dow Crag, Coniston Old Man, Brim Fell, Swirl How, Great Carrs, Wetherlam, Pavey Ark, Thunacarr Knott, Harrison Stickle, Pike o' Stickle, Loft Crag 
Aug 2013 - Base Brown, Green Gable, Great Gable, Great End, Scafell Pike, Ullock Pike, Long Side, Carl Side, Skiddaw 
Oct 2013 - Great Gable 
Dec 2013 - Causey Pike, Scar Crags, Sail, Eel Crag, Wandope, Outerside, Barrow, Bowscale Fell, Bannerdale Crags, Blencathra, Souther Fell, Catbells, Skiddaw, Skiddaw Little Man, Lonscale Fell 
Jan 2014 - Esk Pike, The Knott, Kidsty Pike, Rampsgill Head, High Raise, High Street, Thornthwaite Crag, Caudale Moor, Hartsop Dodd 
Apr 2014 - Bowfell, Esk Pike, Crinkle Crags, Bowfell, Castle Crag, Helvellyn, Catstycam, Birkhouse Moor 
May 2014 - Gibson Knott, Helm Crag, Steel Knotts, High Raise, Wether Hill, Loadpot Hill, Arthur's Pike, Bonscale Pike, Scafell Pike, Lingmell, Scafell Pike, Slight Side, Fleetwith Pike, Haystacks, Kirk Fell, Great Gable, Green Gable, Brandreth, Grey Knotts, Loughrigg Fell, Wansfell Pike, Scafell, Scafell Pike, Great End, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, 
St Sunday Crag, Birks 
Aug 2014 - Glaramara, Allen Crags, Seathwaite Fell, Hopegill Head, Eel Crag/Crag Hill, Sail, Scar Crags, Causey Pike, Silver How, Blea Rigg, Sergeant Man, High Raise, Sergeant's Crag, Eagle Crag 
Oct 2014 - Great Carrs, Swirl How, Brim Fell, Coniston Old Man, Red Screes, Little Hart Crag, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Stone Arthur, Walla Crag, Red Pike (B), High Stile, High Crag 
Dec 2014 - Great End, Scafell PIke, Birkhouse Moor, Helvellyn, Whiteside, Raise, Base Brown, Green Gable, Great Gable, Brandreth, Grey Knotts, Great Borne, Starling Dodd 
July 2015 - Rossett Pike, Allen Crags, Esk Pike, Bowfell, Grey Knotts, Brandreth, Green Gable, Great Gable, Kirk Fell, Blencathra 
Aug 2015 - Crinkle Crags, Whiteside (NW), Hopegill Head, Grasmoor, Robinson, Hindscarth, Dale Head, High Spy, Maiden Moor, Cat Bells, Lonscale Fell, Skiddaw Little Man, Skiddaw, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Hartsop above How 
Dec 2015 - Bowscale Fell, Bannerdale Crags, Blencathra, Grisedale Pike, Causey Pike, Scar Crags, Outerside, Barrow, Lord's Seat, Red Screes, Little Hart Crag, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Heron Pike, Nab Scar 
Mar 2016 - Catstycam, Helvellyn, Birkhouse Moor 
June 2016 - Scafell Pike, Great End, Esk Pike, Bowfell, Crinkle Crags, Bowfell, Esk Pike, Scafell Pike, Great End, Allen Crags, Rossett Pike 
Aug 2016 - Whiteside, Raise, Stybarrow Dodd, Hart Side, Sheffield Pike, Glenridding Dodd 
Oct 2016 - Pillar, Scoat Fell, Steeple, Red Pike (W), Yewbarrow, Helm Crag, Gibson Knott, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike 
Dec 2016 - Hardknott, Scafell, Yewbarrow, Middle Fell, Seatallan, Buckbarrow 
Mar 2017 - Whiteside (NW), Hopegill Head, Grisedale Pike, Eel Crag/Crag Hill, Wandope, Grasmoor, Robinson, Hindscarth, Dale Head, High Spy, Maiden Moor, Catbells 
Apr 2017 - Wetherlam, Swirl How, Great Carrs, Grey Friar, Dow Crag, Swirl How, Great Carrs, Brim Fell, Coniston Old Man 
May 2017 - Ill Bell, Yoke, Blencathra, 
July 2017 - Yoke, Ill Bell, Froswick, Thornthwaite Crag, High Street, Mardale Ill Bell, Harter Fell, Kentmere Pike, Shipman Knotts, Ullock Pike, Long Side, Skiddaw, Skiddaw Little Man, Carl Side, Dodd, Low Pike, High Pike, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Heron Pike, Nab Scar 
Oct 2017 - Birkhouse Moor, Catstycam, Helvellyn, Whiteside, Raise, Stybarrow Dodd, Hart Side, Sheffield Pike, Glenridding Dodd, Red Screes 
Dec 2017 - Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Stone Arthur, Pavey Ark, Harrison Stickle, Pike o' Stickle, Loft Crag 
May 2018 - Pavey Ark, Thunacarr Knott, High Raise, Harrison Stickle, Pike o’ Stickle, Loft Crag, Great End, Allen Crags, Glaramara, Blencathra 
Dec 2018 - Blencathra, Crag Fell, Grike, Whin Rigg, Illgill Head 
Feb 2019 - Dow Crag, Old Man of Coniston, Brim Fell, Swirl How, Great Carrs, Place Fell, Angletarn Pikes, Scafell Pike 
May 2019 - Grey Knotts, Brandreth, Green Gable, Great Gable 
Aug 2019 - Pike o’ Blisco, Crinkle Crags, Bowfell, Grisedale Pike, Hopegill Head, Eel Crag/Crag Hill, Sail, St Sunday Crag, Fairfield, Seat Sandal
Jan 2020 - Harrison Stickle, Pavey Ark, Thunacar Knott, Sergeant Man, Tarn Crag, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Stone Arthur, Steel Fell, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott, Helm Crag
Dec 2020 - Blencathra, Great Carrs, Swirl How, Brim Fell, Coniston Old Man, Dow Crag, Catstycam, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, Lingmoor Fell, Red Pike, High Stile, High Crag, Haystacks, Fleetwith Pike
Apr 2021 - Great Gable, Kirk Fell, Great End, Scafell Pike, Lingmell, Pillar, Scoat Fell, Steeple, Haycock, Slight Side, Scafell, Red Pike (B), Starling Dodd, Great Borne
Dec 2021 - Skiddaw Little Man, Skiddaw, Bakestall, Latrigg, Grey Knotts, Brandreth, Green Gable, Great Gable, Kirk Fell, Great End, Scafell Pike, Birkhouse Moor, Helvellyn, Whiteside, Raise, Bowfell, Esk Pike
Mar 2022 - Loughrigg Fell, Helm Crag, Gibson Knott, Calf Crag, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Ullock Pike, Long Side, Carl Side, Skiddaw, Skiddaw Little Man, Sail, Crag Hill, Wandope, Hopegill Head, Grisedale Pike, Nab Scar, Heron Pike, Great Rigg, Fairfield, Hart Crag, Dove Crag, High Pike, Low Pike, Raise, Whiteside, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, Pavey Ark, Thunacarr Knott, Harrison Stickle, Pike o' Stickle, Loft Crag, Sergeant Man, High Raise, Calf Crag, Steel Fell, Stone Arthur, Great Rigg, Fairfield
Apr 2022 - Stony Cove Pike, Thornthwaite Crag, Froswick, Ill Bell, Yoke, Sallows, Sour Howes, Red Screes, Little Hart Crag, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Stone Arthur, Blencathra, High Crag, High Stile, Red Pike, Grisedale Pike, Hopegill Head,, Graystones, Broom Fell, Lord's Seat, Barf, Dale Head, Hindscarth, Robinson
Dec 2022 - Helvellyn, Whiteside, Raise, Clough Head, Great Dodd, Walla Crag, Bleaberry Fell, High Seat, Esk Pike, Great End, Allen Crags, Hopegill Head, Grisedale Pike
Feb 2023 - Steeple, Scoat Fell, Pillar, Middle Fell, Lank Rigg, Mellbreak, 
Oct 2023 - Birkhouse Moor, Helvellyn, Catstycam, Red Pike, High Stile, High Pike, ,Grasmoor, Crag Hill, Wandope, Whiteless Pike, Rannerdale Knotts, Castle Crag, Bakestall

Fells climbed (including repeats) = 878

Gemma in the Lakes

May  2010 - Latrigg, Castle Crag, Catbells, Bannerdale Crags, Bowscale Fell 
July 2010 - Blencathra, Red Pike, High Stile, High Crag, Haystacks, Scafell Pike, High Street 
Aug 2010 - Ullock Pike, Long Side, Carl Side, Dodd, High Rigg, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywagon Pike, Catstycam, Birkhouse Moor, Low Pike, High Pike, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Heron Pike, Nab Scar, Crinkle Crags, Bowfell, Esk Pike, Allen Crags, Rossett Pike, Whin Rigg, Illgill Head, Pillar, Scoat Fell, Steeple, Red Pike (W), Yewbarrow, Scafell, Scafell Pike, Lingmell 
Oct 2010 - Wether Hill, Loadpot Hill, Rannerdale Knotts, Whiteless Pike, Wandope, Eel Crag, Grasmoor, Whinlatter, Ling Fell, Wansfell Pike 
Nov 2010 - Yoke, Ill Bell, Froswick, Thornthwaite Crag, High Street, Mardale Ill Bell, Harter Fell, Kentmere Pike, Shipman Knotts, Pavey Ark, Thunacarr Knott, Harrison Stickle, Pike o' Stickle, Loft Crag 
Dec 2010 - Blencathra, Barf, Lord's Seat, Broom Fell, Green Gable, Great Gable 
Feb 2011 - Pike o' Blisco, Dow Crag, Red Screes, Middle Dodd, Little Hart Crag 
Mar 2011 - Arnison Crag, Birks, St Sunday Crag, Fairfield, Hart Crag, Hartsop above How, 
May 2011 -  Catbells, Maiden Moor, High Spy, Castle Crag, Raven Crag, High Seat 
Aug 2011 - Harter Fell (Eskdale), Green Crag, Middle Fell, Haycock, Caw Fell, Seatallan, Buckbarrow, Crag Fell 
Dec 2011 - Grisedale Pike, Hopegill Head, Eel Crag, Sail, Blencathra, Souther Fell 
Feb 2012 - Gowbarrow Fell, Sallows, Sour Howes, 
Apr 2012 - Bannerdale Crags, Mungrisedale Common. Seat Sandal, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Stone Arthur, Cold Pike 
June 2012 - Castle Crag 
Aug 2012 - Catbells 
Nov 2012 - Low Pike, High Pike, Dove Crag 
Dec 2012 - Causey Pike 
July 2013 - Blencathra, Helm Crag 
Oct 2013 - Great Gable 
Apr 2014 - Crinkle Crags, Castle Crag, Helvellyn 
Oct 2014 - Great Carrs, Swirl How, Brim Fell, Coniston Old Man, Red Pike (B), High Stile, High Crag 
Aug 2015 - Crinkle Crags, Whiteside (NW), Hopegill Head, Grasmoor, Lonscale Fell, Skiddaw Little Man, Skiddaw, Dove Crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Hartsop above How 
Dec 2015 - Grisedale Pike, Lord's Seat 
Dec 2016 - Scafell, Yewbarrow 
May 2018 - Pavey Ark, Thunacarr Knott, High Raise, Harrison Stickle, Pike o’ Stickle, Loft Crag, Great End, Allen Crags, Glaramara 
Dec 2018 - Blencathra, Whin Rigg, Illgill Head
Feb 2023 - Middle Fell
Oct 2023 - Birkhouse Moor, Helvellyn, Catstycam, Red Pike, High Stile, Castle Crag

1. Latrigg * 
2. Castle Crag * * * * *
3. Catbells * * * 
4. Bannerdale Crags * * 
5. Bowscale Fell * 
6. Blencathra * * * * * 
7. Red Pike (Buttermere) * * *
8. HIgh Stile * * *
9. High Crag * * 
10. Haystacks * 
11. Scafell Pike * * 
12. High Street * * 
13. Ullock Pike * 
14. Long Side * 
15. Carl Side * 
16. Dodd * 
17. High Rigg * 
18. Helvellyn * * *
19. Nethermost Pike * 
20. Dollywagon Pike * 
21. Catstycam * *
22. Birkhouse Moor * *
23. Low Pike * * 
24. High Pike * * 
25. Dove Crag * * * 
26. Hart Crag * * * 
27. Fairfield * * * * 
28. Great Rigg * * 
29. Heron Pike * 
30. Nab Scar * 
31. Crinkle Crags * * * 
32. Bowfell * 
33. Esk Pike * 
34. Allen Crags * * 
35. Rossett Pike * 
36. Whin Rigg * * 
37. Illgill Head * * 
38. Pillar * 
39. Scoat Fell * 
40. Steeple * 
41. Red Pike (Wasdale) * 
42. Yewbarrow * * 
43. Scafell * * 
44. Lingmell * 
45. Wether Hill * 
46. Loadpot Hill * 
47. Rannerdale Knotts * 
48. Whiteless Pike * 
49. Wandope * 
50. Eel Crag * 
51. Grasmoor * * 
52. Whinlatter * 
53. Ling Fell * 
54. Wansfell Pike * 
55. Yoke * 
56. Ill Bell * 
57. Froswick * 
58. Thornthwaite Crag * 
59. Mardale Ill Bell * 
60. Harter Fell * 
61. Kentmere Pike * 
62. Shipman Knotts * 
63. Pavey Ark * * 
64. Thunacarr Knott * * 
65. Harrison Stickle * * 
66. Pike o' Stickle * * 
67. Loft Crag * * 
68. Barf * 
69. Lord's Seat * * 
70. Broom Fell * 
71. Green Gable * 
72. Great Gable * * 
73. Pike o' Blisco * 
74. Dow Crag * 
75. Red Screes * 
76. Middle Dodd * 
77. Little Hart Crag * 
78. Arnison Crag * 
79. Birks * 
80. St Sunday Crag * 
81. Hartsop above How * * 
82. Maiden Moor * 
83. High Spy * 
84. Raven Crag * 
85. High Seat * 
86. Harter Fell (Eskdale) * 
87. Green Crag * 
88. Middle Fell * *
89. Haycock * 
90. Caw Fell * 
91. Seatallan * 
92. Buckbarrow * 
93. Crag Fell * 
94. Grisedale Pike * * 
95. Hopegill Head * * 
96. Sail * 
97. Souther Fell * 
98. Gowbarrow Fell * 
99. Sallows * 
100. Sour Howes * 
101. Mungrisedale Common * 
102. Seat Sandal * 
103. Stone Arthur * 
104. Cold Pike * 
105. Causey Pike * 
106. Helm Crag * 
107. Great Carrs * 
108. Swirl How * 
109. Brim Fell * 
110. Coniston Old Man * 
111. Whiteside (NW) * 
112. Lonscale Fell * 
113. Skiddaw Little Man * 
114. Skiddaw * 
115. High Raise * 
116. Great End * 
117. Glaramara * 

Fells climbed (including repeats) = 169

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