Travelling Trev
Walk 120 - Carnedd Dafydd, Carnedd Llewellyn, Yr Elen
Distance: 15.6km
Ascent: 1210m
Aug 2020 - Ascent from Bethesda. Just a brilliant day today. Fantastic isolation on a Bank Holiday weekend! The 'best scramble you've never heard of' was on the menu today. The Llech Ddu Spur/Crib Lem route is a perfect grade 1 scramble on a wild and striking ridge leading to the summit of Carnedd Dafydd. Surprisingly, and fortunately, it's nowhere near as popular as the nearby scrambles on Tryfan, and Glyder Fach's Bristly Ridge. People are probably put off by the long walk in or they just are unaware of it. After ascending through the dramatic scenery of the secluded Cwm Llafar to Cwmglas Mawr, I rested and took in this incredible location. Massive boulders, wonderful colours and the ominous crags towering above - definitely a future wild camp spot. Check the video for the highlights of the scramble. Loved the 'Christmas tree slab'. Head camera played up so I missed a couple of sections. The ridge to Carnedd Llewellyn from Dafydd was great as always, and it was still early so not many about. Cloud dispersed as I traversed to Yr Elen and the views to the Glyders and Elidir Fawr were stunning as always. Descended over Foel Ganol and waded through a swollen river on the way back to Bethesda.
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