Travelling Trev
Walk 94 - Sgairneach Mhor, Beinn Udlamain 
Distance: 15.8km
Ascent: 801m

July 2020 - Ascent from Drumochter Pass. Weather forecast wasn’t brilliant today, so I headed for these two munros just west of the Drumochter Pass. Turned out to be a hugely enjoyable walk with plenty of breaks in the cloud and views to the lower parts of the Ben Alder range and Loch Ericht. Saw more frogs than people – people 2, frogs 8. Loads of them about, which reminded me of my dad-in-law Dave’s response to my question yesterday – this being that these amphibians frogmarched to the summit. Awful pun. Oh, and mountain hare 1. Loved every minute of it and my first time above 1000m in the UK this year!
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