Travelling Trev
Walk 93 - Geal Charn (Monadhliath)
Distance: 14km
Ascent: 680m

July 2020 - Ascent from Garva Bridge. After the early morning ferry from Stornoway, Outer Hebrides, we drove to Kingussie with the weather improving all the time. I just had to get up a munro so I dropped off Gemma at our accommodation and off I went. The drive to the start point involves driving along the grandly named 'General Wade's Military Road', ending up at Garva Bridge, an isolated spot. I was walking by 1pm. The ascent was gentle at first, following the southern side of the river. Then, the steeper pull up the south-western ridge to the huge summit plateau. Met a lovely couple of chaps on the summit from where we could see massive panoramas - the Grey Corries looked magnificent backed by Nevis. Torridon, Slioch and the Fannichs looked amazing in the distance as did the Cairngorms. Also, I visited the craggy eastern corrie in which sits Lochan a’ Choire. How does a frog get on the summit?
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