Aug 2020 - Ascent from Kinlochleven. Just another incredible day in the mountains. I have definitely been ridiculously lucky with the weather during both Scotland trips recently. Such a swelteringly hot day and I probably overdid it with this lengthy walk with plenty of ascent. I drank two litres of water throughout the walk. The Walk Highlands website states 9-11 hours for this walk; I did it in 6. Need to slow down. It was great though – love the walk in and Sgurr Eilde Mor is so picturesque with the lochan at its base. Great summit too and I spotted a great ridge for a scramble in the future. Binnein Beag looks deceptively close from this summit but it was quite a trek with a hidden down and up just to get to the lochan. Binnein Mor, where Mark and I wildcamped this time last year, looked majestic from the ascent of Binnein Beag. Had planned to eat lunch on this summit however the bizarre hordes of bitey flying ants decided it was lunchtime too. One got down the back of my top and had a right munch. Strange as midges don’t seem to like how I taste. Awesome views of the Grey Corries, Nevis range and the Mamores were snapped quickly before I descended back to the lochan to eat. A long walk out followed but I enjoyed it, dipping my head in all streams on the way. Lost my cap today – slightly gutted.