Travelling Trev
Walk 104 - Meall a' Bhuiridh, Creise
Distance: 9.2km
Ascent: 830m

Aug 2020 - Ascent from White Corries Ski Centre. As I’d done these two before, 3 years ago, it didn‘t feel like I was cheating too much when I used the ski lift to ascend 300m up the mountainside. Fabulous views over Rannoch Moor in the early sun and tons of deer watched me climb steadily towards Meall a' Bhuiridh. Awesome cloudscapes from the summit. Snack and then onwards to Creise. Great down and up ridge, one of the best. The Glencoe munros were all on display albeit hampered somewhat by the humidity and subsequent haze. Spent ages on the summit ridge, milling about, before retracing my steps. Saw a majestic stag on the descent however it was camera shy. 
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