Apr 2021 - Parked up on Povington Hill and descended to the ‘ghost village’ of Tyneham. Tyneham Village, near Lulworth, was requisitioned just before Christmas 1943 for D-Day landings preparations. 225 people were displaced, as it turned out, forever! Was meant to be a temporary measure but the land was purchased by the military has remained part of the Lulworth Ranges ever since. So village population = zero. Fascinating place and I mooched around for about twenty minutes. From there, it was up onto the coastal path and then plenty of down and ups through Worbarrow Cove, Mupe Bay and eventually, much further on, Lulworth Cove. Fantastic place to walk this, especially as access is only allowed at certain times. Quiet as well, until I got to Lulworth Cove. Returned, for the most part, over the tops of Bindon Hill and Whiteway Hill. Gorgeous walk, amazing colours.