Travelling Trev
Walk 266 - Dale Head, Hindscarth, Robinson
Distance: 10.4km
Ascent: 680m
April 2022 - Ascent from Honister Slate Mine. Massively annoying family on the bus, broadcasting their turgid lives at an unnecessary volume. I made a point of moving to the back of the bus. I could still hear them. Met a guy, Matt, on the ascent of Dale head who'd been on the same bus. He was equally irritated by the insta-family.! Lovely guy; we parted ways at the summit after drinking in the wonderful views - he headed off to High Spy; I turned west. After that, no-one about, just a massive group of chubby deer on Buttermere Moss (rubbish zoomed-in iPhone photos). Great day - the High Stile range looks majestic from these tops. Ended up jogging down from Newlands Hause to catch the bus. I might have to chronicle my bus anecdotes somewhere. 
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