Walk 253 - Ullock Pike, Long Side, Carl Side, Skiddaw, Skiddaw Little Man
Distance: 14.1km
Ascent: 1025m
March 2022 - Ascent from Ravenstone Hotel. Eager to get in amongst it today after yesterday's wash out. Caught the bus to Ravenstone Hotel and ascended ridiculously steeply up to the Allerdale Ramble. Passed numerous groups on the ascent. Weather massively improved in the afternoon and the views over the Dodds and Helvellyn; Blencathra and the 'back o' Skiddaw' fells; and the whole of the north-western fells, were magnificent. Could even see the Pike beyond Glaramara and Great End. Blustery on Skiddaw's summit and really cold so stayed for all of 30 seconds. Fantastic woodland walk back down into Keswick.