Apr 2021 - Ascent from Wha House. Superb walk in perfect conditions. In contrast to yesterday (weird staring chap in the car park), I met a lovely farmer at the start point. She was genuinely interested in me and easy to speak to. She wouldn't let me have a go on her quad bike though. In fact, on every occasion I've walked from here or up the road at Brotherikeld, I've witnessed local farmers out on the fells rounding up the sheep. Fascinating to watch the dogs do their stuff. Today, it was me inadvertently driving a bunch on; a huge flock scampered on ahead of me as I made my way towards Slight Side. Eventually, as things got steeper, they all veered off to the right. I sat and had a snack on the summit of Slight Side, taking in upper Eskdale and the horseshoe of Scafell, the Pike, Ill Crag, Esk Pike, Bowfell and Crinkle Crags, not forgetting retrospective views of Harter Fell, Hard Knott and, above Burnmoor Tarn, Whin Rigg and Illgill Head. By the time I'd reached Scafell, after exploring the wonderful Long Green (why isn't this a Wainwright?), I could see literally every summit in Lakeland. Of course, I was naming them all inwardly. Gable and the western fells were particularly stunning as were the Coniston fells to the south-east. Had the summit to myself whilst I could see dozens of folk milling about on the Pike. Fortunately, I couldn't hear them, despite the complete lack of a breeze. I crossed to a spot overlooking Broad Stand for lunch. After grub, I picked my way down the scree to Foxes Tarn before the wonderful chocked gully that leads steeply down to the path up from Cam Spout. It's a brilliant descent to the upper-valley floor and the Great Moss from here, alongside a series of waterfalls, with some gentle scrambling. I spotted a great wild swim spot for Gemma. After the Sampson's Stones, an erratic collection of massive boulders below Cam Spot Crag, the return is long but wonderful. Eskdale retains such a wild feel. At the conclusion of the walk, I encountered a confrontational chicken. Magnificent day!