Travelling Trev
Pverfellshorn (914m)
Distance: 8km
Ascent: 800m

Apr 2016 - (with Gemma) Ascent from Moglisa. We drove a few miles east of Reykjavik to walk up amongst the Esja plateau, a series of mountains with great views of the capital. An easy walk really on marked trails until you get to Steinn (stone;a large boulder at about 600m). We then crossed a slanted snowfield and ascended to the base of the final crags. Ice was blocking the normal route to the summit. We climbed to within perhaps 30 metres of the summit proper, however after some tricky scrambling sections and a huge piece of rock coming off in my hands, we decided that we’d gone far enough. The views were fab and we descended quickly down some scree to pick up the return trail.
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