Travelling Trev
 Pic de Jallouvre (2408m)
Summit pano
Distance: 9km
Ascent: 830m

Aug 2023 - (with Gemma) Ascent from Col de la Colombière. Another scorching day and another great walk. Really enjoyed this one last time and it was even better this time. Golden Eagles, Mountain goats and crickets aplenty. A steep ascent brought us into a huge glacial bowl from where we could see the Col du Rasoir (Razor’s Pass), between the Pic de Jallouvre and Pointe Blanche. It was then scree city before the exposed final climb onto the ridge and the crossing of the ridge itself. Strangely, I felt more exposure on the ridge this time than last time, probably as I was feeling Gemma's as well! After the ridge, careful route finding was needed to create a line where a fall probably wouldn't be fatal. From the summit, there were great views over the Aravis with Pointe Percee looking amazing, backed by Mont Blanc. Northwards, Lake Geneva could be seen. Stunning!
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